Produced in Miahuatlán region of Oaxaca by multiple families.
We have four expression from two labels.
See details of each expression below.
Retail Outlets Selling Tres Tiempos and Amateco
South Lyndale | Bucks Pub | Chilango | Oro by Nixta | Ace Spirits
Current Release: LOT-TP031223
The history of our mezcal begins five generations ago in the native town of San Luis Amatlán, in Oaxaca
Our brand pays tribute to the three stages of life: being born, growing and dying, as well as the three stages of production that guarantee the quality and authenticity; the cultivation, distillation and packaging of mezcal.
This mezcal has a crystal color, with abundant, perdurable, medium size pearls. The glass allows us to perceive a light spiced aroma; in our hands we can perceive touches of humidity and minerals. Its great taste is enhanced by citric notes, clove and very light taste of dairy. It may also leave a herbal, flower and sweet aftertaste in your palate. Light spicy sensations, which can be salty in the end, may be found. On the other hand, its alcoholic residual flavor is moderate, with medium acidity.
Origin: San Luis Amatlán, Oax
Mezcalero: Lucas Garcia
Region: Miahuatlan
Class: Destilado de Agave
Oven: Underground conical
Fuel Source: Wood
Roast Duration: Unknown
Mash: By hand with wood mallet
Fermentation: Wood, ambient yeast, with fibers
Distillation: 1x in Copper Pots + Refrescadora